Tuesday, March 29, 2011

29 on the 29th...

today is my golden birthday. big ol 29. so begins the final year of my 20's, they were good to me.

let's recap shall we?

20- i had already been married for 7 months when i turned 20. i got pregnant with my solomon & moved back to enumclaw.
21- the day i turned 21 i was 9 months pregnant, solomon arrived 4 days later making me a mommy. the rest of this year was a blissful blurr.
22- i must have been pretty busy with my little solomon this year because i don't remember it much.
23- my hunky husband earned his bachelors and got a job in Selah, WA as a youth pastor, it was quite an adventure!
24-another exciting year my little sister got married and i found out i was expecting moses. we also moved back to enumclaw (again).
25-baby moses arrived this year and changed my life. i love that little boy!
26-the years after my boys were born must have been busy or boring...because i can't remember much from this year either.
27-this was an exciting year for us- we moved out my moms house and got our own little place again.
28-this past year has been good too. i love my hubby more than ever. moses started preschool giving me a whole 4 hours a week to myself. i witnessed the birth of my newest niece (one of the greatest experiences of my life) taught solomon how to ride a bike & a million other wonderful things happened.

20's have been wonderful. this next year i hope to finally lose my "baby" weight and regain that hot mama that's hiding under there...somewhere.

wish me luck!


  1. Great birthday blog! Hope this last year will round out the 20's with something extra special!

  2. Your twenties are a LOT more exciting than mine so far!

  3. You're so cute :) 29 will be an awesome year for you!
