Tuesday, January 19, 2010

home sweet home(s)

*sigh* moving is hard. our move should be easy...moving from one side of a duplex to the other should be a no brainier...especially when the units are a mirror image of each other. but when you want to cut down on clutter & get rid of most of the stuff being stored in the garage that = NO FUN. i'm loving the new place. i just wish i could get rid of about 60% of our "stuff" and i just might. so for now i'm having to run over for this or that. because we don't have everything moved over yet. solomon keeps saying "can we go to the house we used to live in and look for (insert missing toy here)" and moses is still calling are 'new' house "bobs house" (the name of our landlord) it's been inserting so far...and i'm sure it will just keep on getting weirder. if only i could find my camera in this mess....

Friday, January 15, 2010

things i'm thankful for...at 5am

i can't sleep. my brain will not shut off. but with all the worries...and heart burn, i find myself being thankful for a lot right now. like:

★ my face going back to a normal size...almost completely! (as well as very little pain! yay!)

★ a healthy family

★ good friends

★ sleeping boys (i mean this in a good way!)

★ i'm moving...and only because i want to, not because i have to

★blogs that keep me busy when i can't sleep

★ the fact that i'm starting to feel tired.

alright, so they're not amazing things, but i am thankful for them right now. i suppose i should try to get a few more hours of sleep before i start another long day with all my boys.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

a new look...that needs some work.

my blog and i were ready for a new look. but i just couldn't get things the way i wanted...arrrgg!!! i'll try again when i'm not so frustrated.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

a weird week...

...i woke up monday morning with a half swollen face. after a trip to the dentist i left there knowing (what i already knew) that i had an infection in my gums and prescriptions in hand! and now 36 hours later i'm still waiting for the swelling to go down. i am healing a lot slower than i'd like to.

and then today our landlord called and offered for us to move into the other side of our duplex that he just fixed up (& for the same price we're paying for the dumpier side) so after some deliberation i think we've decided to move...next door. moving next door with either be wonderful or much harder than we think! but, i guess we will see.

wish us luck!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

another try

as you may know, we've been trying to get a somewhat decent family snapshot for quite a while. we actually only have one decent "family" picture and in that picture we're sitting in the back of our van watching fireworks when moses was about 3 or 4 days old (so, you can imagine how wonderful i look....) so we're were at a friends house the other day and it was a beautiful back ground...and we were all there...i just happened to have a camera & there was an extra person there to take a picture.
now, if my camera was just a little more than an ancient piece of garbage, then it might be pretty good. but, it's better that nothing!!
(ps thanks bryn for taking the picture!!!)

oh yes, there was also this picture that we took over the summer...when it was about 90ยบ outside and as you can see jake was "super happy" about taking this picture. although it is good to look back on this picture...because i think we've lost some weight since then!
(ps rose thanks for the effort on this one. but you just can't polish a turd)

Friday, January 8, 2010

i'm baaaack!!!

alright, brace yourselves, this is going to be a long one. we're going WAY back to december 21st and then all the way back to today. (keep in mind. i put captions above my pictures)

dec. 21st.- the lovey brothers at their best. it might look like solly is squishing moses...but, really moses took brother down!
dec. 23.- we went out and enjoyed the christmas ship festival. it was cold but fun
as you can see. solly had fun:
moses & i just tried to stay warm:
dec. 24th- i grew up always getting stocking on christmas eve (mainly because we didn't believe in santa clause) so i have passed this onto my kids (and hubby).
dec. 25th- a full day of christmas for us! 3 christmas' in one day. starting with a nice quiet family, pj, present opening at home:
and then onto my parents. with about 18 of my family members.
and then we finished up our day with a trip up to jakes parents on whidby island where we spent the night. all in all the boys had an amazing christmas!
dec. 26th- we headed home. the view from the ferry dock:
jan. 1st- moses learned to take pictures of himself!! these are some of my favorite shots of him:

jake also learned how to use the camera :)
jan 2nd- one of my close friends had a baby shower...and of course i made cupcakes!!
the prettiest mama to-be that i know!!
jan. 3rd.-jake and i went to put the boys to bed...and we found them cuddled together in solly's bed reading books together!!
and it just kept getting cuter!
and once they were in bed rose, luke, jake & i played monopoly...i think rose is still confused!:
(we won't talk about who won...again!)
jan. 7th- i went to keep my pretty sister company while she was at work!!! isn't she adorable?!:
jan. 8th- my boys were invited to a friends birthday party today. it was during school so, being the cool mom that i am. i let solly skip. the boys had a GREAT time. it was at a gymnastics place so they got out a LOT of energy!

& they also had a blow up mega slide!!! moses is the blur at the end of the slide:
and there is solly as a blur!:
(i think it's time for a new camera)
poor solly did suffer a minor injury while at the party, there was a rope swing there and he walked right in front of a girl and got kicked in the neck...ouch!
we had a wonderful christmas break! but, i am happy to be a week back into our normal schedule!! and hopefully i can get back to my regular blogging...cause i know you've all missed my "exciting" life.

Friday, January 1, 2010


so just a few hours ago it was moses half birthday...i kinda forgot :/ i know, i know. it's just a half birthday. but, i have been so diligent about celebrating them this (or last) year. oops.

★ ★ ★ ★

so, here's to 2010. i hate "resolutions" but, here are a few of mine anyways:

★ seek God more. everyday. He's so faithful to me, i just want to be more faithful to Him.

★ be a better friend. i feel like i have become a flaky friend over this past year and i WILL change that this year.

★ be healthier. i have so many things at my disposal to live a healthy life (including a brain that knows eating chocolate at 11 pm is a no, no!)

★ get organized. i used to be so good. but just the thought of the garage & hall closet (or any closet in my house for that matter) makes me nuts.

happy new year blogging world.