since i've been on a "blogging hiatus" (a.k.a. too lazy to blog) i thought i'd catch you up on our summer so far...using pictures. so here it goes. *keep in mind that my captions come before the picture...i know i'm backwards, it's just the way my brain works*
we visted jake's parents around fathers day & his brother & his family were able to join us as well for the day. the kids had a blast playing together:
all the breece boys & their children:
moses turned 3!!:
after watching fireworks we recreated a family photo that we took 3 years earlier when moses was just 5 days old...three years makes a big difference!:
ahhh the heat. summer finally arrived sometime after the 4th of july:
my kids know how to enjoy this tiny pool!:
a friend gave us tickets for creation so i braved it one night to take the boys to see david crowder (if you were to zoom in between my forehead & the guy with the hat on head you could see david crowder):
solly had swimming lessons and did GREAT! this is one of my favorite pictures...the elementary back stroke:
the street fair was a big deal this we checked it out for a bit and mojo got to go on his 1st roller coaster ride with his "brudder" (isn't solly the best big brother?!):
then we took a trip to the oregon coast with jakes parents. it was a 1st for both of my boys:
what could be better?!:
the 1st thing moses said when he laid eyes on the beach was "SANDBOX!!!":
i did some research online one night at the hotel and found out there was a cool ship wreck close by. it was one of my favorite parts of the trip:
jakes mom took a week off to spend time with the boys. so i took them up to see her and stayed a few nights and then left solly there for the rest of the week. but, before i left...we hit the beach!
i want this picture on my wall!!:
hummm, i wonder why solly went to bed with a tooth ache tonight...?:
so that is (just part of) our far. now that i'm caught up i'll try to stay on top of this crazy blog. one of these days i'll take a picture of my camera and write all about it...cause i think everyone would be much more impressed with my pictures if you knew what i was working with.
ah yes, and this is my favorite non-person picture of the summer: