Tuesday, August 31, 2010

this 'n that

a couple weeks ago moses was poopy and solly and i had the following conversation:

solly: "moooooom moses stinks!! change his diaper!!"
mama: "why don't you do it?!"
solly: "REALLY?!!?"
mama: "sure, why not?"
solly: gasp "you're the best mom EVER!!"

and so he changed his diaper (with mama & daddy supervising, of course) they both thought it was the funniest thing ever...but, i'm sure that it won't be happening again:

when the weather was still warm moses enjoyed watching over our street while we had the front door open. he would just sit and sing little songs to himself. it was pretty good:

moses also likes to get a hold of my camera whenever possible. this was one of the better pictures he took:

he insisted that i take his picture in the sandbox and now he LOVES looking at this picture. it's pretty cute!!:

a few weeks ago, i was in the kitchen i heard moses puffing and chuffing in the back yard...so i peeked out to see what he was up to. and this is what i saw:
he thought he was going to ride his bike down the slide....crazy kid.
now that school has started (which i forgot to get a 1st day of 2nd grade picture of solly) i am hoping that life can be somewhat normal again (fingers crossed)

Monday, August 16, 2010

best. summer. ever.

the fun never ends around here. really.
saturday we went mini golfing with the in-laws (all of them, for a grand total of 11 breeces!)

moses didn't quite get his form right:

solly, on the other hand, played the role of golfer quite nicely:

while gardening on saturday evening i spotted a little lizard running around so i grabbed it, showed the boys and let it lose. they proceeded to follow, name (moses picked "joseph") and chase it into the house and under the couch. so after moving furniture around and retrieving the little guy we put him back in a nice safe place. the boys then sat there and talked to little joesph for quite a while.

they are so cute:

sunday after church & lunch we filled our van with people (us, rose & my parents) and we headed towards the mountains in search of cooler weather! we made it to sunrise and up near mt. rainier and it was a whooping 30 degrees cooler up there. so we went for a little hike!

a few of us on the trail:

moses was quite the trooper:

mama & boys taking a quick break:

today i took my boys to a friends house who just happens to live on a lake!!

this little man loves the water!!:

look! no hands! (he FREAKED out when i let go of him, but he did great!)

they were hard to get IN into the water...but once they were there they were impossible to get out!!

solly in "cannon ball" action!

little stinker would not get out of the water!!

this summer has been so full of unexpected (and barley planned) fun. it's great and exhausting all at the same time. can't wait to see what happens next!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

the fun parts of my week...

this week was long and a bit stressful. but i did manage to have a lot of fun in the process. like on wednesday i went to my kaydees house and we got to hang out with a friend from bible college that we haven't seen in almost 10 years!!

oh yeah...and the "babies" got to play
moses is trying to kiss liam. liam's not having it!

after kaydees house i drove as fast as i could to get back to the claw to pick up solly from art camp (i was 45 min late...) then ran home to make 8 batches of frosting i sat down for 5 min. and then was off to seattle to see one of my oldest friends, kari, on the eve of her birthday!!

the only thing that makes the traffic worth it:

as i was arriving in seattle my sister called and invited us out on the boat. so after kari and i had some drinks and some appetisers (at a very fancy restaurant on lake union) anna and colin pulled up RIGHT where we were sitting and picked us up in the 50 foot sail boat!

my beautiful sister at the wheel:

'white and nerdy' is what comes to mind when i see this picture:

cool flags on the boat:

the view coming back into lake union:

then after another busy day of baking cupcakes i went out to the store for ice cream and got distracted by the moon setting into the sunset!!


then friday finally came!! sollys last day of art camp!! his new bff, austin, came home with us for a while and i thought we would just hang out and play legos...until my sister called (again) and invited us to go to the lake with them. i would have pictures from the lake if i hadn't left my purse at home (the perminate home of my camera)

so we'll fast forward to the show that the kids put on at art camp!

group song (solly is the 4th head from the left):

these two are joined at the hip!

doing the skit "chainsaw" very cute!

now we're off to play mini golf with the in-laws. the fun never ends around here!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


since i've been on a "blogging hiatus" (a.k.a. too lazy to blog) i thought i'd catch you up on our summer so far...using pictures. so here it goes. *keep in mind that my captions come before the picture...i know i'm backwards, it's just the way my brain works*


we visted jake's parents around fathers day & his brother & his family were able to join us as well for the day. the kids had a blast playing together:

all the breece boys & their children:

moses turned 3!!:


after watching fireworks we recreated a family photo that we took 3 years earlier when moses was just 5 days old...three years makes a big difference!:

ahhh the heat. summer finally arrived sometime after the 4th of july:

my kids know how to enjoy this tiny pool!:

a friend gave us tickets for creation so i braved it one night to take the boys to see david crowder (if you were to zoom in between my forehead & the guy with the hat on head you could see david crowder):

solly had swimming lessons and did GREAT! this is one of my favorite pictures...the elementary back stroke:

the street fair was a big deal this year...so we checked it out for a bit and mojo got to go on his 1st roller coaster ride with his "brudder" (isn't solly the best big brother?!):

then we took a trip to the oregon coast with jakes parents. it was a 1st for both of my boys:

what could be better?!:

the 1st thing moses said when he laid eyes on the beach was "SANDBOX!!!":

i did some research online one night at the hotel and found out there was a cool ship wreck close by. it was one of my favorite parts of the trip:


jakes mom took a week off to spend time with the boys. so i took them up to see her and stayed a few nights and then left solly there for the rest of the week. but, before i left...we hit the beach!

i want this picture on my wall!!:

hummm, i wonder why solly went to bed with a tooth ache tonight...?:

so that is (just part of) our summer...so far. now that i'm caught up i'll try to stay on top of this crazy blog. one of these days i'll take a picture of my camera and write all about it...cause i think everyone would be much more impressed with my pictures if you knew what i was working with.

ah yes, and this is my favorite non-person picture of the summer:

Saturday, August 7, 2010

long time no...blog.

it just took me a minuet to figure out how to post a new blog...that must mean it's been WAY too long since i last posted.

i can't even remember what my last post was...oh yes, something about a possible job in lynden i believe. well here is a recap of our lives since then:

*we will not be moving to lynden.

*i am still working and LOVING it. it's such a blessing to have a good & flexible job!

*there will soon be a new baby in my life...i'm going to be an aunt again! (lucy is due to arrive thanksgiving week)

*i am opening up to the idea of having another baby of my very own but probably not for another year or two.

* we're looking into buying a house.

*moses is now three years old!

*solly has had the best summer ever including: swimming lessons, VBS, a weekend at the beach, art camp & a week at grandmas house on whidbey island

life has been full and wonderful lately! i'm feeling like one lucky mama!