Saturday, August 14, 2010

the fun parts of my week...

this week was long and a bit stressful. but i did manage to have a lot of fun in the process. like on wednesday i went to my kaydees house and we got to hang out with a friend from bible college that we haven't seen in almost 10 years!!

oh yeah...and the "babies" got to play
moses is trying to kiss liam. liam's not having it!

after kaydees house i drove as fast as i could to get back to the claw to pick up solly from art camp (i was 45 min late...) then ran home to make 8 batches of frosting i sat down for 5 min. and then was off to seattle to see one of my oldest friends, kari, on the eve of her birthday!!

the only thing that makes the traffic worth it:

as i was arriving in seattle my sister called and invited us out on the boat. so after kari and i had some drinks and some appetisers (at a very fancy restaurant on lake union) anna and colin pulled up RIGHT where we were sitting and picked us up in the 50 foot sail boat!

my beautiful sister at the wheel:

'white and nerdy' is what comes to mind when i see this picture:

cool flags on the boat:

the view coming back into lake union:

then after another busy day of baking cupcakes i went out to the store for ice cream and got distracted by the moon setting into the sunset!!


then friday finally came!! sollys last day of art camp!! his new bff, austin, came home with us for a while and i thought we would just hang out and play legos...until my sister called (again) and invited us to go to the lake with them. i would have pictures from the lake if i hadn't left my purse at home (the perminate home of my camera)

so we'll fast forward to the show that the kids put on at art camp!

group song (solly is the 4th head from the left):

these two are joined at the hip!

doing the skit "chainsaw" very cute!

now we're off to play mini golf with the in-laws. the fun never ends around here!!!


  1. This is adorable. Every bit of it. I tasted your cupcakes that you made for Daniel and Molly's rehearsal dinner by the way, and they were amazing as usual!

  2. Looks like you had a blast...where did the resolution post go...its shows it in my reader but not on your blog?
