Monday, April 18, 2011


yesterday after service our church had an easter egg "hunt" (i think it should've been called an easter egg "dash" there was no need to hunt for these eggs they were just scattered on a field) there were about 3000 eggs for the kids. it was like a mini stampede.
moses running for some eggs:

here's one!:

both the boys finding eggs:

moses with his stash afterwards:

*          *          *

after church we had our weekly lunch with part of my family and my brother, sister-in-law & baby came too!! so i got to see baby esther again. this time she was WIDE awake.

esther (5 days old):


  1. She sure is wide awake! And yes our egg hunt should be called a dash as well. Ours is on Sunday and we are going to have 20,000 eggs....basically the whole field is an egg:)

  2. Where did you have lunch? I'm happy to see Esther in some pink!
