Saturday, August 22, 2009


as i mentioned before the boys and i went to whidbey island for 4 days. we had tons of fun. on the first day i was there for about an hour before i jumped back on a ferry (alone) and when to have a "girl date" with kaydee!! that's right i enjoyed a movie, cinnabon & window shopping for HOURS with NO KIDS!! it was like being on another planet. we even ran into a tv commercial "celebrity" that's right an old navy "supermodelquin"
yes, we realize what dorks we are...but we were having SO MUCH FUN!
(love you kaydee...and i kinda want that scarf!)
one of the days we were there we went the "the park"...i'm sure it has a name but we've just always called it "the park" it's pretty great.
moses could very well be a mobster!
tires at the park
mr. "too cool for school" solomon
it's not a trip to the park without rolling down hills...
...and chasing brother!!
and, of course, we went to the did not go over as well as we may have liked. solomon threw a fit and we we're outta there pretty fast. but the did have a tiny bit of fun before we took off.


  1. WEEE!!! Looks like you all had more fun than I did.

  2. haha that first picture cracked me up your guys are fork ;)
    mosey is way to cool and solly is s stud!

    i like the action shot of moses rolling down the hill

  3. Isn't time without the kids absolutely the greatest thing on earth? I got a 5 hour break from all 3 on Wednesday... it was glorious!!!!
