Wednesday, July 1, 2009

i got nothin'

i've been feeling sick all week and rather than getting better i seem to be getting worse. and of course starting tomorrow i have so much going on until sunday evening. so here's what i have to get though in the next few days:

thursday: play date for solly at the park across the street (if it didn't mean so much to solly i would call and cancel) then i have a TON of work to do to get ready for:

friday: yard sale. i've been putting this off...pretty much since we moved 4 months ago.

saturday: i might be continuing my yard sale, there's a parade downtown & we've been invited to 2 different parties for the 4th.

sunday: mojo's birthday party. we've pretty much only invited family. but still...i have a lot of house cleaning to do before then. not to mention i haven't even gotten the poor kid a present.

as we speak my "to do" list is getting so much longer in my head. if only my hubby would go to the store for more pop sickles for me :(

so i hope my blogs will be more entertaining in the next few days...if i can remember to use my camera. we'll see. wish me luck.


  1. use your camera!
    i hope you start to feel better otherwise your next few days are going to suck!!

    i want to help at the yardd sale that sound kinda fun!

  2. Stop whining and get your own popsicles!

  3. Sorry to hear you're sick : ( It makes it so much harder to get everything done when all you want to do is stay in bed and pull the covers over you head! Good luck with your garage sale! I need to do one too. We just moved in 2 months ago, so I guess I still have some time : ) My hubby has to clean the garage first, I can't even walk through there without fear of injury!
